Managing Azure AKS clusters with VMWare Aria Automation

The use case presented to me for POC was to deploy a new Azure AKS cluster then install a basic application. Simple use case, but for those using VRA you know the kubernetes capabilities are all but non existent.

But after digging around and tinkering I figured a CodeStream (now called Pipelines) would probably fit the bill. The pipeline would run a terraform plan to build, and then destroy the deployment later on.

Keeping track of the state file between runs also presented a ‘problem’. After lots of kicking the tires I came up with a way to store the state file securing in an Azure Storage account. The state file in the container is simply the deployment name plus .tfstate. This allowed me to refer to it using day two actions and Event Broker Subscriptions (EBS).

Another issue that came up was deleting ‘codestream.execution’ resources when the deployment is deleted. Since these deployments are handled by terraform I needed another WF which called a pipeline to destroy the deployment when the eventType was DESTROY_DEPLOYMENT.

The files for this article can be found at azure-terraform-blog

Terraform is used to do the heavy lifting. The backend values get replaced with some pipeline inputs in the first pipeline task. The most important one is the deployment name. When destroying the deployment, terraform will pull the current state for that deployment and do its thing.

The CodeStream pipeline (Now Pipelines) uses a custom docker image. It includes the latest version of Terraform (Currently at 1.5.4), AZ CLI, Kubectl, and Helm (for another use case). It is stored on DockerHub as americanbwana/cas-terraform-154:latest.

I didn’t come up with the basic Template. I found this article on A very good starting point. ‘pipelineTask’ is used by the pipeline to either create (apply) or destroy the deployment. More on that later.

formatVersion: 1
    type: string
    title: Pipeline Task
    description: 'Create '
    readOnly: true
    default: create
    type: codestream.execution
      pipelineId: 2b80427c...
        computed: true
        deploymentName: ${env.deploymentName}
        pipelineTask: ${input.pipelineTask}

vRA doesn’t delete the actual codestream.execution items when you destroy the deployment. A workflow called ‘Terraform delete AKS and Helm deployment’ is called by an Event Broker Subscription (EBS). Make sure to update the ‘codestreamPipelineId’ in the WF variables.

Event Broker Subscription

And finally on to the pipeline. The initialize task copies several variables into a file, which is then sourced by most stages. Terraform apply is only fired if the pipelineTask = ‘create’. And Terraform destroy is only fired when pipelineTask = ‘destroy’.


‘Get Service IP’ is also only fired if the pipelineTask = ‘create’. This task will get the IP address of WordPress and export it back to vRA.

Terraform Output
Assembler Output

Nuff for now. Happy coding.

Cloud Extensibility Appliance vRO Properties using PowerShell

In this article I’ll show you how to return JSON as a vRO Property type using vRA Cloud Extensibility Proxy (CEXP) vRO PowerShell 7 scriptable tasks.

First a couple of notes about the CEXP.

  • It is BIG, 32GB of RAM. However my lab instance is using less than 7 GB active memory.
  • 8 vCPU, and runs about 50% on average.
  • It deploys with 4 disks, using a tad less than 210 GB.

Why PowerShell 7? Well it was a design decision based on the customers PS proficiency.

Now down to the good stuff. Here are the details of this basic workflow using PowerShell 7 as Scriptable Tasks.

  • Get a new vRA Cloud Bearer Token
    • Save it, along with other common header values to an output variable named ‘headers’ (Properties)
  • The second scriptable task will use the header and apiEndpoint to GET the vRAC version information (About).
    • Then save version information to an output variable named ‘vRacAbout’ (Properties)

Getting (actually POST) the bearerToken is fairly simple. Here is the code for the first task.

function Handler($context, $inputs) {
    .PARAMETER $inputs.refreshToken (SecureString)
        vRAC Refresh Token

    .PARAMETER $inputs.apiEndpoint (String)
        vRAC Base API URL

    .OUTPUT headers (Properties)
        Headers including the bearerToken

    $body = @{ refreshToken = $inputs.refreshToken } | ConvertTo-Json

    $headers = @{'Accept' = 'application/json'
                'Content-Type' = 'application/json'}
    $Uri = $inputs.apiEndpoint + "/iaas/api/login"
    $requestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Post -Body $body -Headers $headers 

    $bearerToken = "Bearer " + $requestResponse.token 
    $authorization = @{ Authorization = $bearerToken}
    $headers += $authorization

    $output=@{headers = $headers}

    return $output

The second task consumes the headers produced by the first task, then GET(s) the Version Information from the vRA Cloud About route (‘/iaas/api/about’). The results are then returned as the vRacAbout (Properties) variable.

function Handler($context, $inputs) {
    .PARAMETER $inputs.headers (Properties)
        vRAC Refresh Token

    .PARAMETER $inputs.apiEndpoint (String)
        vRAC Base API URL

    .OUTPUT vRacAbout (Properties)
        vRAC version information from the About route

    $requestUri += $inputs.apiEndpoint + "/iaas/api/about"
    $requestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestUri -Method Get -Headers $headers

    $output=@{vRacAbout = $requestResponse}

    return $output

Here, you can see the output variables for both tasks are populated. Pretty cool.

As you can see, using the vRO Properties type is fairly simple using the PowerShell on CEXP vRO.

The working workflow package is available here.

Happy coding.